• Member Since 26th May, 2016


Light brony, love to read a different stories, in particular about lessons which are presented by life. I live in Russia, learn English.

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This absolutely demands a cute category.

Celestia finds a very young Twilight outside her room. Not knowing who brought her here, the Princess cares for her until a new family can be found. However, the Princess is oblivious to twilight's past, and the truth may have scarred Twilight for life...

This story was a suggestion by Celestia's Paladin

Artwork is by Dream Whisper, who also pre-reads occasionally.

Thanks you guys sooooo much!

Chapters (7)

For most ponies the day they get their cutie mark is the day everything changes. That was especially true for Twilight Sparkle, as the day she got her cutie mark was also the day Princess Celestia took her on as a student, she gained a new little brother and started on the road to her future.

It was also the day she became a dragon.

Custom cover artwork by Elza Fox
Editing and so much more by Klamnei

Chapters (1)

When she pulled him out of the apple-bobbing tub, there was no way Princess Luna wouldn't have noticed just how skinny the little colt was. Holding him by the back of his shirt, she saw the way it hung off his frame, and when he hugged her hooves at the end of the night, it was plainly apparent that each rib stuck out like a sore horn. Pipsqueak was such a sweetheart, and such a brave young stallion, but his legs wobbled beneath his tiny body with every step he took.

The Princess of the Night sought a moonlit chat with her first adoring subject, anxious to learn more about his situation.

Chapters (1)




The sound again and again, tapping on her door. The young mare could only try to ignore the tapping and the scratching at her door.

Chapters (1)

"Just like in the stories, ponies keep their princesses in the tallest towers of the castle! I can't believe how dumb they are to tell everyone! First, I'll replace that princess getting married, then I'll... do cool stuff with the love I take, and then Equestria will be mine!"

A last-minute entry for the site-wide Dialogue Only Contest
Preread by: The Sleepless Beholder
Cover Art: Do You Swat It? by Techy Cutie @PonyTechy on Twitter

Now with a Russian translations! Available at FicBook, PonyFiction, and Tabun (Everypony.ru)!
Translation by: GORynytch
Editing and Proofreading: Mordaneus, Oil in Heat (AKA Gannibal Lector), Fogelman, and Taur00

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the fanart Everyday Horror
By artist InuHoshi-to-DarkPen

In Ponyville's local flower shop, three ponies were looking forward to a nice relaxing day going through their orders and sales. This was going to be a good relaxing morning. However, this is Ponyville, where anything big and small can happen.

Chapters (1)

“Fluttershy, you stand accused of 31 counts of animal cruelty, 17 counts of animal neglect, and 16 counts of pony endangerment. How do you plead?”

A comedy story I found buried in my Google Drive. Some editing done. Yes, I do recall writing it.
Created: Apr 2, 2020.
Set after Season 5, Episode 18, "She Talks To Angel."

Cover Art: The mugshot by CandyMeow333
Featured June 13-14, 2024.

Chapters (1)

All Fluttershy needs is a little bit of help, and everything will be fine. She can always count on her friends to help her in her time of need. They're such good friends. But... where are they?

Fan Art by Madness-With-Reason (Spoilers!)

A special thanks to Breath of Plagues, Cola Bubble Gum, Death the Kid, and Jaestring.

Chapters (1)

Argyle Starshine has died.

When he reaches the gate of the beyond, he finds he is not alone.

Written for A Thousand Words III, in the Drama category.

Featured 6/11/2024 to 6/13/2024!

Chapters (1)

They're everywhere. I can't see them, well I can a little, but they're there. Waiting. Waiting to strike....

Author's Notes: A collaboration with the incredible Flint Sparks.

Chapters (1)